St. Mary Magdalene, Albrighton, St. Chad, Boningale and St. Cuthbert, Donington welcome with love those who have been bereaved. We extend to them Christ’s promise of victory over death and seek to ensure the churchyard will be a fitting resting place for the mortal remains of their departed loved ones both now and in the future.
Each of our parish churches is committed to ensuring that their churchyard is a place of peace and comfort for those who mourn and a fitting final resting place for their loved ones.
We hope such provision will be an expression of the care and love the church seeks to extend to the whole community and underline its belief that the welfare of both the living and the dead is important to God.
As far as possible the
church tries to ensure that everyone who uses their churchyard is treated with fairness, equality and consistency and that is why each churchyard is governed by
a set of Regulations which are issued by the Chancellor of the Diocese, the person who has ultimate legal authority to say what is or is not allowed in the churchyard.
In brief:
- Headstones or memorial tablet can only be placed with the permission of the Incumbent (Rev. Mary Thomas) through an official application form.
- The headstone or memorial tablet and care thereof is the responsibility and property of the family.
- The burial plot remains the property of the diocese and is governed by the diocesan rules which state what is or is not permitted. It is not owned by the family of the deceased.
- Gravestones may not be placed until at least 6 months after burial to allow for settlement.
- Inscriptions should be
simple, reverent and appropriate to a churchyard.
- Fresh flowers are welcomed, good quality silk flowers may be permitted.
- The placing of wreaths and poppies is permitted in the periods of and leading up to Remembrance Day, Christmas, Easter and on the anniversaries of death or marriage. Such items are to be removed within one month after these occasions.
- Small items of sentimental significance may be placed within the confines of
the headstone provided they do not inhibit maintenance of the ground
surrounding the grave.
- Whilst it is preferable that all floral tributes are contained
within the headstone, heavy-duty plastic tubs or planters will be allowed provided they are placed on the headstone and not on the grass.
- Due to local custom at St. Mary’s and St. Cuthbert’s, bedding plants will be allowed, not perennials or conifers, provided that the graves are maintained by family members.
- Please note that the following are NOT permitted:
- kerbs, railings, or chippings.
- any memorial or element of a memorial which involves stone, concrete, metal, glass, plaster.
- Plastic objects whether in the form of model people, animals, or toys or otherwise.
- Glass, stone or pottery containers.
- any object designed to make a noise when moved by the wind.
- solar lights.
- photographs.
- plastic artificial flowers
In order to ensure that the churchyard is a safe and pleasant space for all, untended graves may be cleared or tidied by the churchyard maintenance tem. Any artefacts which are not permitted may be removed and stored for collection at the Church Office. Dead plants & flowers or faded artificial flowers will be removed and thrown away.