
We are a warm and welcoming Christian community of three Church of England parishes in the Diocese of Lichfield that is diverse and growing.  

We are committed to being an inclusive church where all are welcome.  We have a range of worship styles and services across the Benefice with thriving social and teaching groups for all ages and, most importantly a warm welcome to all. 

St. Mary Magdalene, Albrighton, St. Chad, Boningale & St. Cuthbert, Donington are committed to Safeguarding and have adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. Our Safeguarding Coordinator is Julie Bromley and can be contacted on 07488379361.

Our beautiful, historic church buildings have served the communities of Albrighton, Boningale & Donington for over nine hundred years and we continue in that tradition of welcome and service today, proclaiming the love of God to all.

Please explore our site for information about each of the churches and our common life together.

Click the link to send us an email.

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