Getting married in churchchancel

 We're delighted you are considering having your wedding in one of our parishes. 

 There are some legal preliminaries which have to be checked out.

 If either of you has been married or been in a civil partnership before, you will need to make  an appointment to see the Vicar before we can proceed.  Please contact the Benefice Office  on 01902 373160 or send us an email.

 If you live anywhere in the parishes of Albrighton, Boningale or Donington you may marry in  any of our three churches.

 If you no longer live any of the parishes you will need to establish a qualifying connection.  

 These include:

How large is each church?

 How much will it cost?

 To see the fees for 2023, please contact the Benefice Office on 01902 373160 or send us  an email.

 For a link to the Church of England website, Your Church Wedding, which is packed with lots of  ideas and resources for hymns and readings, please click here.

The booklet below may be helpful.  Please contact the church office for a paper copy.