Baptisms and Thanksgivings
We welcome babies and children at each of our churches. It's always a joy when parents come wanting to thank God for their children and to celebrate with their families.
What is a Thanksgiving Service?
A Thanksgiving service is exactly what it says - a chance to say thank you to God for the gift of a child, whether natural or adopted. This is a joyful service in which all the family can join to pray for you and your child and celebrate God's love for you all. You don't have to make any promises to bring up the child in the Christian faith, but you will be assured that if you do wish to explore this way, the church is ready and willing to help you.
Baptisms or Christenings
What's the difference between a Baptism and a Christening?
There is no difference, just a different word is being used.
A baptism service is the right service for you if you are that you are ready to make promises to bring up your child as a practising Christian. We try to prepare parents and godparents to give children the very best start possible in teaching them about Jesus Christ and in being on the lifelong journey of Christian discipleship themselves.
To visit the Church of England Christenings website please click here.
For more information about baptisms or to book a date, please contact the Benefice Office on 01902 373160 or, to send us an email, please click here.
Choosing godparents is a very important task for parents. You want people who will develop a good relationship with your children. You also need to choose people who have a Christian faith themselves. Godparents must have been baptised themselves and they must be over 18.
If someone wishes to be a godparents and they have not been baptised but would like to please do mention this when you contact us. Click here for more information on what it means to be a Godparent.
St Mary's Church Centre may be just the venue you are looking for if you want to self-cater for a party after the service.
We make a charge of £15 per hour to cover running costs and use of the furniture and kitchen equipment. If you plan to cook, one of your caterers must hold and produce to us an up to date food hygiene certificate.
Contact one of our administrators, Andrea Tyerman or Julie Bromley on 01902 373160 or send us an email to check the availability of the centre.
How much does a baptism cost?
Baptism is free.
However, for health and safety reasons we always have a Verger present to ensure that St. Mary Magdalene is open, warm, clean, and ready for the service. This will cost £40.
As it costs over £300 per day just to open the door, a collection plate will also be available in church on the day should you and your guests wish to enable our ongoing mission and ministry in the community.